International Centre for
Sports Studies

Avenue DuPeyrou 1
2000 Neuchâtel
Tel +41 32 718 39 00


Tue. 14 April 2020

Two CIES-events postponed

In response to the increasing interest in CIES round tables and guest lectures, a series of CIES-events were planned for 2020 in collaboration with a large number of cultural, governmental and sports industry institutions....[more]

Wed. 08 April 2020

CIES WEBINAR #2: “Sport Industry Startups & Innovation: Crisis and Opportunity?”, Wednesday 15 April 2020 @13:30 CET

CIES webinars: Let’s Connect and Think Together Thanks to everybody for this CIES WEBINAR #1 which was really interesting. More than 500 of you tuned in to watch: “Football Clubs & Current Challenges…”.For anyone who missed...[more]

Sat. 04 April 2020

CIES WEBINAR #1: “Football Clubs & Current Challenges…”

In these particular times, CIES has joined forces with its alumni, speakers, researchers and professors, to set up a webinar series. Our purpose is to Connect people around the world, Think Together about SPORT and explore...[more]

Tue. 25 February 2020

Table ronde: « Lutter contre le racisme dans le football, l'affaire de tous ? » à Neuchâtel le 18 mars 2020 (In French Only)

En Suisse, il incombe au premier chef à l’Etat de conduire la lutte contre les discriminations de toute nature. Cette action publique est redoublée par l’engagement d’un nombre considérable d’acteurs de la société civile qui...[more]

Wed. 29 January 2020

Colloque: « Passer les frontières à ski – Grenzen überwinden mit Skifahren »

Photo: Carte postale, Restaurant du Mont Soleil 1908 Date: Neuchâtel, 6 et 7 février 2020 Lieu: Université de Neuchâtel, Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines - Espace Tilo-Frey 1 – Salle R. N. 02 Jeudi 6 février 13h30 :...[more]

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