International Centre for
Sports Studies

Avenue DuPeyrou 1
2000 Neuchâtel
Tel +41 32 718 39 00


Mon. 06 August 2012


The Universidad Metropolitana (UNIMET) of Caracas, Venezuela, and the Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) of San Jose recently held their closing ceremonies for the FIFA / CIES Programme in sport management organized in their respective country. Nearly fifty students graduated after presenting a working paper on a national sport issue.

UNIMET closed the second edition of the FIFA / CIES Programme in Venezuela. UCR, meanwhile, has now completed the fourth traditional format Programme. From next year, however, they will organize a "hybrid" course with online and traditional teaching to gradually open up all of Costa Rica and other countries of Central America.

“The UNIMET/FIFA/CIES Programme now plays an important role in the formation of sport managers in Venezuela. We are pleased to have held a pioneering role in this regard by giving our support to the project,” said Mario Cova, representative of GZ Gerencia Deportiva CA and sponsor of the first two editions of the Programme.

Ademar Arias, a student representative in Costa Rica, mentioned the considerable impact of the activities of FIFA and CIES in his country, and the professionalism of UCR in the organization of the Programme and the adaptation of its academic content to local realities.

CIES would like to thank the authorities of both universities for their unwavering support and their presence at the highest level during the closing ceremonies.

Congratulations to all of the new graduates and we hope that the FIFA / CIES Programme will be of benefit to you: Edward, Luis Alexander, Mileidy Johana, Daniel Luis, Julio Cesar, Jose Luis, Jose Edgar, Daniel, Brenda Diana, Alain, Cristian Alejandro, Karolina, Maria Eugenia, Alfonso Jose Edilberto Israel, Edgar Enrique, Corina Gabriela, Edgar Alberto, Francisco Javier, José Oswaldo, Magnalis, Daniel Eduardo, Fernando César, Gabriella Jose Andres Esteban, Lucrecia, Karla, Jorge Mario, Daniel Roy, Daniela, Oldemar, Robin, Paula, Jorge Eduardo, Luis Guillermo, Jessica, Carlos, Grettel, Tyrone, Manrique, Ana, Alejandro, Wardy and Paolo.

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