International Centre for
Sports Studies

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2000 Neuchâtel
Tel +41 32 718 39 00


Thu. 13 October 2011

CIES Football Observatory reveals how to be a champion !!!


The CIES Football Observatory unveils the secrets for a club to win its league title. Over the next three weeks, we will start by focusing on the English Premier League and three key demographic indicators.

As shown in the graph below, by considering the five previous English Premier League champions, we obtain a fork of values within which a club should find itself if it wants to optimize its chances of winning the league. In addition, these figures are compared to the current values of the three English teams that according to our predictions are the most likely to be crowned champions: Chelsea FC, Manchester City and Manchester United.

This week, we analyse the average age of players on the pitch (the reference date is September 1st of each season).

To learn more about the work of the CIES Football Observatory download an extract of its annual publications here.


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