International Centre for
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Mon. 27 April 2015

Competitive balance: best teams more dominant than ever

Issue number 109 of the Big-5 Weekly Post analyses the evolution in the competitive balance since 2005/06 from the perspective of goals scored and conceded by top ranked teams at the current stage of the season. The findings show that the domination of top ranked teams is on the increase.

New record lows were recorded in 2014/15 with respect to goals per match conceded by top ranked teams: 0.64 at big-5 league level, down to 0.43 for Bayern Munich. Barcelona tops the table for the most goals per match scored so far: 2.76. This is the fifth highest figure among top ranked teams at this stage of the season since 2005/06.

On average, teams at the top of the table in their respective league have a goal difference per match of +1.59. This is the third highest figure during the 10-year period analysed. Both Barcelona (+2.18) and Bayern Munich (+2.13) are in the top five of the club by club table since 2005/06.

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