International Centre for
Sports Studies

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2000 Neuchâtel
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Wed. 28 November 2012

First results of Buenos Aires Seminar

In April this year, more than 60 representatives of the FIFA/CIES partner universities, including Directors, FIFA/CIES Programme Coordinators and CIES academic coordinators met in Buenos Aires to take stock of the activities of the FIFA/CIES International Academic Network and together define its objectives for the coming years.

Six months later, Network members have the first fruits of the seminar. From an academic perspective, CIES has intensified exchanges between universities, which was one of the important objectives defined during discussions in Argentina. Now, more and more teachers are called upon to give lectures or conference papers at other partner universities. In addition, next spring officials from our finance modules will meet in Trinidad and Tobago to share their experiences, "good or bad", and teaching materials from this important discipline of the FIFA/CIES Programme. A second seminar is also planned for 2013  in either management or communication.

With reference to administration, CIES has responded to the request of the seminar participants regarding the definition of some directives to clarify the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders (board, committee Scientific Advisory Committee) and to establish a framework for a possible "sponsorship" programme. CIES is also finalizing a methodology guide for strengthening and harmonizing the information given to students in preparation for their final group work.

Beyond these results, the seminar in Buenos Aires, as well as those in Zurich (2008) and Port Elizabeth (2010), has also helped to build direct links between the partners and also their sense of belonging to the network. This ultimately remains the primary source of our motivation and boosting of our activities. We must also maintain momentum toward the goals of quality and excellence that we have now set for the coming years.


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