International Centre for
Sports Studies

Avenue DuPeyrou 1
2000 Neuchâtel
Tel +41 32 718 39 00


Mon. 25 March 2013

Peru: Enrolment procedure for the first FIFA/CIES Programme in sport management

The Universidad San Martín de Porres (USMP) in Lima, a partner of CIES since 2012, has officially started the enrolment procedure for the first FIFA/CIES Programme in Sport Management to be organised in Peru.

The FIFA/CIES Programme allows people from various professional and sporting backgrounds to familiarise themselves with modern management tools in key areas such as sport marketing, sponsorship, law, management, communication, finances and event management. Adapted to regional and national requirements, it also offers the opportunity to attend lectures given by international experts invited by FIFA and the CIES. The Programme is currently organised in 14 countries, namely: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Peru, Senegal, South Africa, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey and Venezuela.

Testimonials by former students underscore the strong points of the programme. According to Brian Bürger (Argentina -2012): "To me, the greatest benefit of the FIFA/CIES Programme is to have met such fabulous people (..). It has also motivated me to continue my mission to ensure that, in Argentina and elsewhere in South America, a solid and professional structure can be established for various sports, and for football in particular."

Sonia Soria, a former student from Spain, added: "The programme met all my expectations, both in terms of the knowledge I acquired, as well as the classmates I had the privilege of meeting. If you make the absolute most of the courses you will be able to realise your dreams. In my case, the programme gave me the tools I needed to start a project that I really believed in".

Application deadline:

12 April 2013


For more information:

Silvia Luis ABAD -Admisiones de Postgrado RRHH- USMP

Tel.: +51 1 779 5362 /+ 51 1 779 5366

Mobile: +51 980 860 319

[email protected]

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