International Centre for
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Thu. 30 August 2012

Spain: URJC and RFEF launch the 4th Course on Football Law

Partner of CIES since 2010, the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid (URJC) and the Real Federación Española de Fútbol have launched the 4th edition their Course on Football Law which will be held in September and October 2012.

The course is organized over three long weekends and pays particular attention to various issues of football law in Spain. It will include the following objectives:

1)    To provide professional players' agents, managers, lawyers, legal advisers, etc who are wishing to exercise an activity or function within the world of football with the knowledge necessary for timely and efficient work.
2)     To make available to students the resources (bibliographic sources and standards, databases, etc.) that will enable them to update their own knowledge in an easy way.
3)    To provide to those already active in the area in question with a forum for updating and referencing withthe participation of the leading jurists of football law in Spain.

RFEF generously offers grants (limited number) to students and alumni of the FIFA Master and the FIFA / CIES International University Network wishing to take the course in question (thank you to send your requests to Vincent Monnier, [email protected], mention Curso URJC / RFEF).

For further information:
Cátedra de Estudios e Investigación en Derecho Deportivo.
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Paseo de los Artilleros s/n. 28230. Madrid.
Information: Mrs Victoria Sánchez.
Phone: +34  91 488 78 72
@ (Tais Triviño): [email protected]

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