Thanks to a combination of expertise in RESEARCH and EDUCATION, CIES is regularly asked to provide CONSULTING services to federations, associations, clubs, public institutions and individuals (athletes). CIES can respond to a wide range of consultancy requests by accessing its own high quality in-house resources or through its vast international network of experts.
CIES is equipped to provide advice in the following areas:
- Statistical products for the governance of sports organisations: CIES, through its CIES Observatory, provides services in the areas of questionnaire surveys, databases, data mining, business intelligence and reporting.
- Seminars for professional and continuing education: CIES can create and deliver specific programmes in collaboration with its network of international sports industry experts.
- Legal advices: CIES services can include, but are not limited to, the drafting of contracts, counseling to individuals and review of statutes and regulations.
- Research projects: The CIES research team works closely with sports organisations, teams and leagues to conduct organised research projects and provide insight and recommendations throughout the process.
- Organisation of congresses, seminars and conferences: CIES can advise on the content and management of a wide variety of events as well as provide a connection to industry experts suitable for various speaking engagements.