Centre International
d'Étude du Sport

Avenue DuPeyrou 1
2000 Neuchâtel
Tél +41 32 718 39 00

Le CIES dans les médias

lun. 12 mars 2018

INTERNATIONAL WEEKLY REVIEW # 10 (5 - 11 March 2018)

See this week’s updated selection of stories and highlights from worldwide media coverage of CIES activities. Discover related articles, audio-videos and social media posts from various channels. You will be directed...[En savoir plus]

lun. 05 mars 2018

INTERNATIONAL WEEKLY REVIEW # 9 (26 February - 4 March 2018)

See this week’s updated selection of stories and highlights from worldwide media coverage of CIES activities. Discover related articles, audio-videos and social media posts from various channels. You will be directed to...[En savoir plus]

lun. 26 février 2018

INTERNATIONAL WEEKLY REVIEW # 8 (19 - 25 February 2018)

See this week’s updated selection of stories and highlights from worldwide media coverage of CIES activities. Discover related articles, audio-videos and social media posts from various channels. You will be directed to...[En savoir plus]

lun. 19 février 2018

INTERNATIONAL WEEKLY REVIEW # 7 (12 - 18 February 2018)

See this week’s updated selection of stories and highlights from worldwide media coverage of CIES activities. Discover related articles, audio-videos and social media posts from various channels. You will be directed to the...[En savoir plus]

mer. 14 février 2018

INTERNATIONAL WEEKLY REVIEW # 6 (5 - 11 February 2018)

See this week’s updated selection of stories and highlights from worldwide media coverage of CIES activities. Discover related articles, audio-videos and social media posts from various channels. You will be directed to the...[En savoir plus]

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