International Centre for
Sports Studies

Avenue DuPeyrou 1
2000 Neuchâtel
Tel +41 32 718 39 00


Tue. 03 November 2015

Scientific Symposium: "Manipulation of sports competitions"

CIES (International Centre for Sports Studies) organises a symposium marking 20 years of scientific and academic activities. The symposium will gather various speakers whose expertise will help to better understand this complex...[more]

Wed. 24 June 2015

Journées d’études supportérismes et engagement militant dans l’espace public en Europe, 10-11 septembre 2015

Journées d’études des 10 et 11 septembre 2015 : Supportérismes et engagement militant dans l’espace public en Europe. Identités, actions collectives et réseaux. Dans le cadre du séminaire international et...[more]

Tue. 21 April 2015

Spain: Seminar on investment funds in football

Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC), an academic partner of the International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES) since 2010, will organise a seminar on the theme of investment funds in football (Third Party Ownership) on 11 May 2015...[more]

Tue. 14 April 2015

Round table : "Olympic Agenda 2020: Towards a new bidding model for the Olympic Games ?" (This round table will be held in French with simultaneous translation in English)

The 127th IOC Session which took place in Monaco between the 8th and 9th December 2014, established the Olympic Agenda 2020 with its 40 recommendations to define the future vision of the Olympic Movement. This strategic review...[more]

Wed. 18 March 2015

WISE, the International Convention for Careers in Sports, releases its outstanding Programme : Forum, dedicated Workshops and two Gala Nights

WISE – Work In Sports Exhibition is very pleased to unveil its final programme of conferences and workshops for the Convention’s second edition to be held in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 6-7 May 2015. Split once again over two...[more]

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