International Centre for
Sports Studies

Avenue DuPeyrou 1
2000 Neuchâtel
Tel +41 32 718 39 00


Thu. 16 May 2013

CIES – Academic partner of the first edition of « WISE – Work In Sports Exhibition »

The International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES) is honored to be one of the academic partners of the first ever international convention for career development in sports « WISE – Work In Sports Exhibition » which will be...[more]

Mon. 21 January 2013

Workshop: Inequality and integration in sport, 26-28 June 2013, Bern (Switzerland)

The Swiss Sociological Association is organizing from 26 to 28 June a conference with the theme "Inequality and integration in sport." This will be held at the University of Bern and gather different scientific...[more]

Mon. 07 January 2013

Round Table " Le football professionnel est-il viable en Suisse?"

You are cordially invited to the round table entitled «Le football professionnel est-il viable en Suisse?», which is part of a series of conferences dedicated to the centenary of the Neuchâtel Xamax Football club.[more]

Thu. 08 November 2012

Farewell lecture of Professor Denis Oswald

When we watch the Olympic Games, whether it is live or on the television, we are immersed by the show and we don’t stop to think of all the work which is involved in the organization of such event nor the legal questions which it...[more]

Fri. 02 November 2012

Conference of Dr. Roger Besson on the FC Xamax Stadium

On December 14th at 18:30, Roger Besson, CIES Scientific Collaborator who recently obtain the grade of “Doctor” in geography will host a conference named: “Au Carrefour des peuples : le chaudron de la Maladière”[more]

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