International Centre for
Sports Studies

Avenue DuPeyrou 1
2000 Neuchâtel
Tel +41 32 718 39 00


The CIES, in cooperation with partner universities and institutions around the world, publishes research focused mainly in the areas of law, sociology, geography, history and economics of sport.

The CIES publications can be ordered online on this web site.

To order the Staempfli and Peter Lang publications, follow the links to the publishers' web sites.

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Our last publications

Wed. 02 March 2016

CIES publishes findings from second football governance research project – Leagues and Clubs

Building on its first governance study about national associations and leagues (Boillat & Poli, 2014), CIES has published a second book that analyses the league-club relationship and issues around internal club governance....[more]

Tue. 23 February 2016

(In French only) Ballon rond et héros modernes : Quand la littérature s’intéresse à la masculinité des terrains de football

(In French only) Si le sport a d’abord été considéré comme un « divertissement pour analphabètes », la littérature sportive émerge dès la fin du XIXe siècle et les collections qui lui sont dédiées se multiplient. En 1928, la...[more]

Thu. 17 December 2015

(In Spanish) Reseña del libro: “L’autre visage du supporterisme. Autorégulations, mobilisations collectives et mouvements sociaux.”

Reseña del libro: “L’autre visage du supporterisme. Autorégulations, mobilisations collectives et mouvements sociaux.” Thomas Busset, Roger Besson y Christophe Jaccoud (compiladores). Centre International d’Étude Du Sport....[more]

Tue. 26 May 2015

Revue suisse de sociologie - Recension critique

Thomas Busset, Roger Besson et Christophe Jaccoud éds, L’autre visage du supportérisme. Autorégulations, mobilisations collectives et mouvements sociaux, Bern-Berlin-Bruxelles-Frankfurt am Main-New York-Oxford-Wien, Peter Lang...[more]

Mon. 27 April 2015

Launch of the first extensive commentary of the CAS Rules: "The Code of the Court of Arbitration for Sport: Commentary, Cases and Materials" by Despina Mavromati & Matthieu Reeb

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) is pleased to announce the publication of a new book "The Code of the Court of Arbitration for Sport: Commentary, Cases and Materials" by Despina Mavromati & Matthieu...[more]

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