
CIES Direction Board

Denis Oswald
Vincent Schatzmann
General Secretary
Pierre Cornu
President of the CIES Foundation Council


Alessandro Pellicciotta
Head of Marketing and Development
Anne-Catherine Le Mével
Secretariat Manager

[email protected]

Marcelo Orchis
Marketing and Digital Communication Manager
Maryline Burri

[email protected]



Christophe Jaccoud
Associate Professor

Thomas Busset
Scientific Collaborator
Kevin Tallec Marston
History and Governance
Scientific Collaborator

Marcin Radziwonka
Scientific Collaborator
Raffaele Poli
Social Sciences
Head of CIES Football Observatory

[email protected]

Loic Ravenel
Social Sciences
Scientific Collaborator

Roger Besson
Social Sciences
Scientific Collaborator

Andrea Pessina
Business and Sports Administration
Data Manager

Fernando Roitman
Business and Sports Administration
Scientific Collaborator and Founder of CIES Sports Intelligence

[email protected]



Stefano Aloise
FIFA Master Programme Manager

[email protected]

Marcin Radziwonka
FIFA Master Law Module Coordinator

[email protected]

Kevin Tallec Marston
FIFA Master Final Project Coordinator

Joao Frigerio
FIFA Master Sport Market Expert and FMA Executive Director
Vincent Monnier
Head of the FIFA/CIES International Programme in Sports Management

[email protected]

Gulberk Salman
Scientific Coordinator of the FIFA/CIES International Programme in Sports Management
Francisco Rubio
Scientific Coordinator of the FIFA/CIES International Programme in Sports Management
Roland Chavillon
Project Manager of the FIFA/CIES International Programme in Sports Management
Christina Bouziouri
Project Manager of the FIFA/CIES International Programme in Sports Management
Matteo Tassi
Head of CIES Executive Education

[email protected]

David Grosvernier
CIES Executive Education Manager
Desirée Garcia Cabello
Administrative Coordinator