Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions
I. If I am offered a place on the FIFA Master and I wish to accept the offer, I commit to the following:
a. To attend all lectures and seminars, to prepare myself by pre-reading course material and handouts, to fully participate in the class discussions and to contribute as much as I am able to the group dynamics and build a true "team spirit".
b. To respect and adhere to the Student Charter and to the Code of Conduct of the FIFA Master which are based on respect of my fellow postgraduates, the teaching and coordination staff, and all people directly or indirectly involved in the course as well as all regulations of the FIFA Master and Partner Universities.
c. To pay the total amount of the course fees of CHF 25’000.- (twenty-five thousand Swiss Francs) no later than 20 working days after the date on which I am officially informed by the CIES of my acceptance and to e-mail proof of my payment (copy of the bank transaction) to the CIES within the same 20-day timeframe. I note that details of where and how I should make the payment will be given to me in the offer.
d. I accept that the course fees, once paid, are non-refundable in all circumstances. If my course fees are being paid by a third party (company sponsor, study loan provider, etc.), I commit to inform my sponsor in advance that the fees are non-refundable, and obtain a signed letter of agreement from him/her testifying his/her agreement to these terms, which I will submit to CIES at the same time as my proof of payment, i.e. within 20 working days.
e. I accept that it is my sole responsibility to check whether I need a visa for any or all of the three countries of study (i.e. UK, Italy, Switzerland), and to make any visa applications required. I will make all necessary efforts to allow sufficient time for any such applications and to fulfil any conditions required: these conditions often include providing proof of health insurance cover and bank statements to show I have enough funds to cover my living expenses. Under no circumstance are the CIES nor the universities able to make such applications for me. They can provide help as far as they are able in the form of visa support letters. I accept that the CIES and the universities will take no responsibility if I am unable to obtain visas. Furthermore, I accept that my participation to the FIFA Master is conditional as follows:
- To apply in my home country for the required Visas in each relevant country representation (i.e. UK, Italy, Switzerland) before 30 June 2025.
- To send to CIES ([email protected]) the proofs that all Visa requests (i.e. UK, Italy, Switzerland) have been made before 30 June 2025.
II. If I am offered a place on the FIFA Master but do not wish to accept this place, I will inform the CIES as soon as possible, and no later than 20 working days from the date on which I am offered a place, so that the CIES can offer the place to another candidate. I accept that if I do not respond to and accept the offer within 20 days; the CIES will withdraw the offer.
III. I accept that it is my sole responsibility to ensure that I have sufficient accident, health and repatriation insurance to the levels required by the legislation in each of the countries of study. I note that Switzerland has special legislation about health insurance and that depending on my personal situation, I may be required to subscribe to Swiss health insurance for the module period in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
IV. I acknowledge that I must have sufficient funds available to support myself during the period of study. A conservative estimate of these living costs is CHF 25’000.- for the 11 months of study (covering basic food and accommodation costs in the three countries, insurance coverage that may be compulsory for NON-EU citizen, visa costs, residence permit taxes for Switzerland, matriculation costs at universities and personal costs between countries). These living costs are in addition to the CHF 25’000.- for the tuition fees. I accept that the CIES, FIFA and the three partner universities are not in a position to offer financial assistance to me should I find myself in financial difficulty during my studies.
V. If I have a disability or medical condition I agree to inform the CIES during the application stage who will advise me on the support available at each university, the terms for obtaining this support, how to access it and related costs which I must assume myself.
VI. Accommodation; I understand and accept that: At De Montfort University in Leicester, UK, student accommodation is offered by the university. The local coordinator will provide direction and support but it is the student’s responsibility to make the booking through the university accommodation office. At SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan, IT, and at Université de Neuchâtel in Neuchâtel, CH, no accommodation is provided by the universities. The local coordinators will provide listing of real estate agencies and privately held accommodation. It is the student’s responsibility to contact those agencies and make his/her own booking. I agree to pay, within whatever timeframes are given to me, any deposits of prepayment of rent for part or the full period of my stay, and to accept any associated conditions (e.g. non-refund ability of such payments). Similarly, I agree to honour payment for the full period of any agreement made for accommodation. I accept that failure to do any of the above will inevitably result in the cancellation of any reservation made and if such cancellations incur costs or cause damage to the university/landlord through breach of contract with accommodation agencies and or landlords, I will compensate the latter for any damage they incur. Should I decide not to accept accommodation options at De Montfort or I have special needs (e.g. being accompanied by my Partner and/or family member), I accept that no assistance will be provided and that I must make my own private arrangements.
VII. I note that all documents produced during the course of study of the FIFA Master – such as exam papers, presentations and the final project remain the exclusive property of CIES which has copyright there on.
VIII. Any disputes between the CIES and the postgraduates shall be governed by the laws of Switzerland. All disputes arising out of or in connection with the programme shall be finally settled by the Tribunal and Courts of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, which will apply their own procedural laws.