What type of candidate is the FIFA Master aimed at?
The course is aimed at people who already hold an undergraduate degree, have some previous professional experience, and who are looking to learn. The programme requires an open mind, an interest in global issues, and being internationally mobile and oriented. After graduation you will have the necessary skills and knowledge to make an immediate impact in your chosen area of work. By achieving a Postgraduate qualification in Management, Law and Humanities of Sport, candidates will help further grow their professional career in any area of sport administration.
Do I need work experience or can I be admitted straight from university?
Prior work experience is a required criterion in applying to the FIFA Master because we want candidates to be able to link the classroom learning with their own real-life experience. This can take varying forms (e.g. several years in a full-time role after graduating, working sporting events or freelancing, but also cumulating internships and student jobs). Admission may be given to younger candidates who demonstrate outstanding academic credentials and a particularly strong application in terms of sporting experience or career potential.
Does my work experience need to be as a manager or be business-oriented?
No. Because the programme is multidisciplinary, candidates come from a wide range of professional and academic backgrounds. All candidates wish to develop a career in sports administration/management and most accepted students have prior experience in the sporting world. However, we also welcome applications from high achieving candidates in any field who can demonstrate how their skills and experience can be transferred to the world of sport.
What are the characteristics of a typical participant?
Most FIFA Master postgraduates fall in the age range of 25-35 and a large majority have around 2-5 years of prior experience, often already in sport. A key feature of the FIFA Master is the truly international mix of postgraduates. To date, in each academic year there have been around 20 different nationalities with postgraduates coming from all continents. This is what makes the FIFA Master community so enriching.
Why should I do this course?
The FIFA Master will equip you with all the tools needed to develop a successful career in the sports industry – and not just the football sector. The course, which was first launched in 2000, is one of the most respected in the industry, and has been named the No.1 postgraduate sports management course in Europe by the influential global SportBusiness rankings in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. We are proud of this success and the achievements of FIFA Master course graduates. Indeed, today nearly 90% of FIFA Master alumni are now working in various sports positions around the world.

How much does the FIFA Master cost?
The course fees are CHF 25'000. This covers all tuition and course materials, as well as various field visits in each country. In addition, we estimate that you should allow at least another CHF 20'000 (around CHF 2'000.- per calendar month of study) for living costs, food and local transport, for example. Also, in Switzerland, you may be asked to "prove" that you have sufficient funds in order to obtain your study visa/permit. Please do think carefully, therefore, and be sure that you have sufficient funds available to successfully complete your studies for the full duration of your time on the course. (estimated CHF 45'000 - 55'000 in total).
Are there any scholarships or loans available?
Please see Fees and Scholarships.
What do I have to pay, and when?
If your application is successful and you are offered a place to study on the FIFA Master, we ask for full payment of the course fees (no instalment payments will be accepted) within 20 working days of communication of your acceptance offer. Offers are usually made during the month of April. The reason for such a tight deadline is that we limit the number of places on the course each year. Consequently, we need to know as early as possible whether or not you accept our offer so that, in the event that you decline, we can offer the place to another qualified candidate.
If I pay the course fees but I am then unable to join the course, or change my mind about doing the course at a later date, will I be reimbursed the full CHF 25'000?
No. The reason for this is that, by accepting your place, you have effectively blocked a place on the FIFA Master which could have been offered to another candidate. As a result, as soon as we have the full contingent of students, and even before in certain cases, all other applicants are rejected. Consequently, if you were to withdraw later on, it would be impossible to offer your place to another suitable candidate.

Who makes the candidate selection and on what basis will my application be assessed?
The selection process is overseen by the course Scientific Committee. The membership of this committee is drawn from the FIFA Master partner universities and the CIES.
The Scientific Committee members receive copies of candidate applications and review them using a wide range of criteria, such as academic performance, professional experience, sporting involvement, motivation and what that person can specifically offer to the class. The aim is to select a complementary group of the best possible candidates for that edition of the FIFA Master. Please note that the decision of the Scientific Committee is final and no feedback on candidate applications is provided. However, some candidates may be encouraged to re-apply in the future.
Do I need anything specific to be eligible for admission?
There are a number of criteria (please see Apply to the FIFA Master) which are taken into account by the Scientific Committee. There are, however, two criteria which are absolutely essential: a Bachelor degree and fluency in English at all levels - written, spoken, reading. In addition, a proven interest/involvement in sport, your previous professional experience, your motivation and reasons for applying to the course, and evidence of your international outlook are all further criteria closely reviewed and considered by the Scientific Committee.
Is it obligatory to have a certificate of proficiency in English?
Yes. If English is not your mother tongue, we will ask for you to provide certification of English proficiency. The TOEFL test, the most widely respected English-language test in the world, is the recommended certification. We request a minimum of 600 points on the paper-based exam which equates to 250 on the computer-based test and to 100 on the internet-based test.
If you provide other English certification (for example IELTS or the Common European Framework of Reference - CEFR), then please be sure that your level is equal to the aforementioned minimum TOEFL requirements. The score conversion tables are available here. Scores on IELTS should be at least 7 and for CEFR you should have at least a C1 level. If your score is not sufficient, then your application may not be taken into consideration or you may be required to re-sit an English test.
Please note that you should plan well ahead since obtaining the results takes time in addition to taking the test.
However, an exception can be made to this rule in the following circumstances: you have studied for your previous university degree at an English-speaking university in an English-speaking country. If you fulfil the above criteria, then please select “Exempted” in the English language section on the FIFA Master Online Application. You should upload a letter explaining your English level and the context in which you studied. This way we know that the missing certificate of proficiency is not an error on your part, and we can consider your file as otherwise complete. Nevertheless, even in the case of these exceptions, and given that there is an ever-increasing number of applications for a fixed number of places, we do recommend that you obtain official proof of your English level through English proficiency certification. More information at www.toefl.org.
Do I need to have GMAT or GRE?
GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) / GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) scores are optional but welcome. So if you do have these test results, they should be included as part of your application file and supporting documents.
Do I need to have my Bachelor degree in one of the three main disciplines - Humanities, Management or Law?
No. Preference is not given to students with degrees in one of the three main FIFA Master course disciplines.
Will you still consider my application if I do not have a university degree?
No. Unfortunately, even if you have an excellent career record but no university education, then your application will not be considered.
What is the average age of candidates?
The average age is around 28-29 with a range between 25 and 35. However, each year some postgraduates are younger while some are older.

What is the best way to apply?
The only way to apply is through our dedicated Online Application Platform. We recommend that you apply well in advance of the deadline rather than at the last minute to ensure that your application is well prepared and that you have all of the necessary supporting documents.
Who should I give as references?
Letters of reference are an important aspect of the application. These are letters written by someone who knows you well and can testify to your academic and professional competence. Ideally, these should be written specifically for our course and explain how and why you are a suitable candidate for the FIFA Master. If the referee is not familiar with the FIFA Master, then you should explain the course to him/her in order for them to write the best possible supporting letter for your application.
Two reference letters are required. The first should be academic, from a former teacher or professor, preferably from your time at university. This letter should explain your academic ability and how you are well-prepared to study on the FIFA Master course. The second letter should be a professional reference, i.e. from your current employer or a superior who knows you in a professional capacity. The professional reference should comment about your professional background and what experiences you bring to the programme and how our course fits into your career development.
The preferred language for both reference letters is English. However, references may also be accepted in French, German, Spanish or Italian. Please note that references not in English must be accompanied by a certified English translation. Each reference letter should be as detailed as possible, (several paragraphs are expected) but in the format preferred by your referee. Your referees should provide their full contact details (telephone, e-mail address) as part of their reference letter in the event we wish to contact them for further information.
Alumni references - A letter of support from alumni should not replace one of the required reference letters unless the alumnus/a was in fact your former teacher/professor or former boss. If you are including a supplementary reference letter from an alumna/alumnus, it should be uploaded in addition to the two required references.
Please ask your referees to submit their reference to you - not to us directly - for you to then include them with your application.
If I wish to send documents in paper format, how should I do this?
If you are unable to send your supporting documents electronically, then please contact us at fifamaster.admin@ and we will find the best solution. cies.ch
Copies of your application will not be made for any other purpose than the selection procedure. Your application becomes the confidential property of the CIES and is not returnable
When is the application deadline?
The dedicated FIFA Master online Application Form is available each year from early October and closes around mid-January of the following year (i.e. you have a window of 3+ months to apply). Please note that you must have all supporting documentation submitted by the deadline for your application to be considered as complete and thus eligible for consideration by the Scientific Committee.

What are the key strengths of the FIFA Master?
The key strengths of the course as quoted by past students, the teaching staff and the course organisers are:
- The quality of the students
- The international learning environment
- A well-balanced programme - theory and practice
- The quality of FIFA Master course lecturers and guest speakers
- The dynamic exchange between students and teaching staff
- The international community of students, staff and alumni
- FIFA Master connections with the sports industry
- The high level of employment after graduation

Where do graduates work?
About 90% of our graduates are currently working in various sports positions around the world.
This includes, but is not limited to, international sports organisations (federations or other sports-related associations), national sports organisations, leagues, clubs and teams, sports marketing agencies, consulting firms, various NGO’s, media and events companies, sports law firms and local organising committees, for example.
What help will I be given with my future career?
The course will assist you throughout the year in preparing how to navigate the sports world post-graduation. The success of your future career will depend on:
- Your own initiative and pro-activity with regards to your professional future, whilst in constant liaison with the CIES and partner universities.
- The assistance given by the CIES and partner universities, provided through its network of contacts with sports organisations around the world, a network which is constantly growing and being strengthened. The FIFA Master is an ideal "forum" for meeting top sports industry practitioners during your studies and one of the roles of the CIES careers team is to offer personalised support, guidance, and advice for your future career, as well as to communicate and co-ordinate any future employment opportunities.
You should be aware, however, that international work mobility often depends on nationality, and if you require a work permit or specific visa for a certain country, the company wishing to recruit you must be prepared and able to process a work permit application for you. If you are interested in working in a particular country, you should research what the requirements are for someone with your nationality to work there. For working in Europe, the European Union member states give almost exclusive preference to nationals of their own country or nationals or other European member states first and foremost. More information on working in Europe can be found on: europass.europa.eu.

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