8th Annual Meeting of Swiss Sports Documentalists in FIFA

02 December 2011

On Tuesday November 15, 2011, Swiss Sports Documentalists had their 8th Annual Meeting in the Home of FIFA in Zürich. Around thirty participants attended, being librarians, archivists, documentalists, persons in charge of information and documentation services. A round table allowed participants to present their activities and projects. They were representing about twenty organisations, including CIES, most of them active in the academic and associative worlds. The Swiss Sports Documentalists Network has a website at http://www.netvibes.com/docsports . After lunch, participants made a tour of the building and had a exciting presentation on FIFA made by an alumnus of the FIFA Master, Solomon Mudege. In the afternoon, Dr. Kay Schiller, historian, University of Durham (UK), made a highly appreciated presentation on Football history, archives, and sport documentation from the user's perspective. The Swiss sports documentalists will meet in 2012 in "Sportmuseum", in Basel.





