FIFA/CIES International University Network Award 2025

By the time of the application deadline, CIES had received fourteen projects which will now all compete in the sixteenth edition of the FIFA/CIES International University Network Award. An international jury will announce the winning entry on 14 February 2025.
Fourteen group works will participate in the sixteenth edition of the FIFA/CIES International University Network Final Project Award 2025. All of the projects received meet the submission criteria, including lessons learned during the FIFA/CIES International University Network Programme in Sport Management, the originality of the chosen theme, the way it is approached, the possibility of understanding and debating it in an innovative way and whether the issues are related to sport at continental, national or a local level. Finally, the selected projects must have the possibility of putting their proposals and conclusions into practice.
The projects received for 2025 judging focus on issues such as women's football, inclusion and integration, the environment, identifying young talent, promoting sport among young people, social development, sport and health, fan management, new technologies, the legacy of the FIFA Women's World Cup, tourism and sport, training volunteers in football, sustainability, the creation of a professional Ecua-volley league and a women's futsal league, training football coaches, betting and sports and the threat to the integrity of sport.
The received projects are as follows:
Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fernando Dominguez, Patricio Tomás MC Inerny, Morena Muñoz, Priscila Ruppel
Las Apuestas deportivas y la Amenaza al Fair Play
Universidad Santo Tomás, Santiago, Chile
Seisha Prat, Diego Naranjo, Tomás Hameau, Michael Espinoza, Cristobal Zurbuchen
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Bassem Youssef, Jana Sameh, Kareem Ahmed, Mohammad Ahmad Jamea, Omar Elshweekh
Bolsa Sport
Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica
Maripaz Campos Mas, Ruth Marín Matarrita, Carolina Monge Pérez, Eugenia Núñez Morales, María Fernanda Sarmiento Carballo
Plan de mercadeo para promocionar programas socioeducativos enfocados en deportes colectivos, como factor de cambio en mujeres adolescentes, de comunidades con vulnerabilidad social de la Provincia de Limón, Costa Rica
The University of the West Indies, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Rebecca Bhola, Dawn Ryan
TRINI NAK MUAY YING - Utilizing Muaythai as a Tool for the Empowerment of Women and Girls
promoting Fitness, Well-Being, Inclusion and Safety
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Eduarda Vasconcellos, Rayssa Moura
Digital fans at major multi-venue events - Enhancing the fan experience in your fingertips
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Bárbara Rangel Ferreira, Enzo De Aguiar Gutman, Matthew Robert Colquhoun, Paulo Otávio B. Ruffo, Raimundo P. Góes Da Silva Netto
2027 Fifa Women's World Cup And its Social Legacy - Proposed Practices to be Implemented in Brazil
Universidad San Martín de Porres, Lima, Peru
Betzabé Daniela Chiri Nevado, José Luis Gutierrez Montero
“X-SPORTS PERU SAC” - Experiencias Deportivas
Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela
Andres Clamens, Sebastián Paraqueima, Ronie Varela
Sonrisas Vinotinto - Programa de Voluntariado para la Federación Venezolana de Fútbol
Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland
Halina Danielak, Jakub Godlewski, Katarzyna Łopuszyńska, Stanisław Miliński
Marketing plan for: “AdaptiFit”/ an application to support people with disabilities in pursuing sports activities
Pillai Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai, India
Niranjan R Menon, Vinayak Chandrasekhar, Renil P R, Goutham P
Empowering Young Footballers in Kerala: Addressing Challenges and Promoting Sustainable Development
Universidad de Las Américas, Quito, Ecuador
Andrés Larrea, Ana Cristina Vilela, Guido Coello, Francisco Zurita, Mateo Miranda
Plan de negocios para la creación de una Liga Profesional de Ecuavóley a nivel nacional
Universidad de Puerto Rico – Recinto de Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Nelson Acevedo, Rafael Alberto Díaz, Félix Alberto Polanco, Isidro Alejo Núñez
Escuela nacional de entrenadores de fútbol ENEF-RD
Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, Colombia
Juan Esteban López Martínez, Mateo García Saavedra
Creación de la Liga Nacional Femenina de Fútbol Sala