The CIES Football Observatory goes global

05 April 2011

The first edition of the Global Player Migration Report analyses the international transfers of footballers occurred during the 2010 calendar year to 101 first or second division leagues of 69 national associations worldwide. This study is the fruit of collaboration between the Football Observatory and the English-based data provider

The 24-page digital report covers 5’729 international flows of professional players of 103 national origins. The first section is dedicated to imports, the second to exports, and the last one to networks. Data are analysed according to age, position and origin of footballers involved.

For more information please find the key results in the attached file. We also kindly invite you to download the whole report from You simply need to provide a valid email address and introduce the personal password that you will receive. Our registered users can use their usual password.

Last but not least, is happy to let you discover the richness of its database covering even more leagues than those on which we focused in this report. To any new subscriber (up until August 2011), offers 2 free months. To claim the free months just e-mail stating your user name and the offer code “PFPO”.





